How To Survive Airports

I love planes and flying and traveling and learning about cultures and just pushing my limits, but as much I love that, I HATE EVERYTHING about airports i-e immigration, thefts, transits, and germs. A lot of germs, all kinds of germs.

I was travelling recently and thought why not share my Airport survival tips with the world, or whoever reads my blog. :p

1) Travel Pillows

I don’t understand people who don’t carry a travel pillow with them. I find it so comforting. it’s already hard to fall asleep on those germ-filled-uncomfortable airplane chairs, why would you distress yourself more by trying to rest your head on your shoulder ? Or perhaps the person next to you.

Some time ago, a man fell asleep on my shoulder. Since he was pretty old, i didn’t mind.

I am already pretty uneasy, now a stranger wants to get too close ? HELLO HEARD OF PRIVATE SPACE!

Lifestyle-shot---travel-pil Dress Appropriately


Whether your flight is 40 mins or 24 hours, please wear something appropriate. Don’t wear too many accessories or clothes with studs or metallic detailing. There are people who have had little to no sleep and they just want to get done with this airport hassle and rest.

Also wearing heels at airports is hella irritating( not to you, but to other people). Keep those babies in your bag and wear flip-flops or something comfortable. No one wants to hear the clunk your heels are making.

2327cced362bb479b47b72ddb4568418 souboj-platenek-converse-keds-a-vans-8 Suki Waterhouse at Heathrow Airport, London, Britain - 21 Apr 2014

Learn from the best ^


People really need to shower before they get on a flight. You might think you’re wasting water, but actually you’re saving a lot of humans, if you just wash yourself.

For this purpose, I always keep a body splash or deodorant with me. I sometimes spray my perfume on the person sitting next to me too, when they are sleeping. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Go with H&m, M&S or Sephora sprays, perfumes, body splash. They smell brilliant and are cheap!

#sharingiscaringtheysay 🙂

4) Sneaky Airport Thieves ( YOU LITTLE BUGGERS) 

Airport theft is very common. Most of the time you don’t find your stuff, unless you’re lucky because well.. I think nobody really cares. So, either I am always very careful or keep extra’s of everything. Keep an extra copy of ticket, passport, all important contacts and extra money in pants, socks or bra. Yep. People do that.


Airport food can be expensive and yucky. What I do is that I always keep granola bars, chocolate, peanuts or small snacks like that in my hand carry. You never know when you might get hungry. What if you’re at the immigration, there is a long queue and feel hungry ? You can take out your snack and munch on it. 🙂



6) Delayed flights or missing flights 

Weather is unpredictable and your flight can get delayed anytime. Or you’re lazypants like me and have missed your flight way too many times. Missing your flight is no fun, especially if it’s an international flight. I like to keep things that can entertain me in my hand carry.

These are my hand carry essentials:

  • Headphones
  • Portable charger
  • Music GOOD MUSIC
  • A book
  • Coloring book or scribble
  • Ipad or computer
  • Sweat pants, if you’re wearing jeans
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste or breath mints
  • A body splash or deodorant
  • A face cream and HAND SANITIZER!!
  • Lip balm
  • Pads and tampons (if you’re a woman)
  • an extra pair of underwear ( or you can just flip them over. No don’t do that) 😐
  • Hair ties ( always great to keep extra)

7) Luggage Tags

Incase you lose your luggage, it’s always good to clip a luggage tag to your luggage with your permanent address on it. If someone finds it, they might send it or the airport definitely will.

Always be prepared, they say. 😉


8) Be Prepared:

When you know you have a long transit, google the airport before going so you know if there is a lounge of some sort where you can rest instead of walking for 2 hours looking for one.

I once had a 5 hour transit somewhere and I spent 4 hours looking for the lounge. Needless to say, it wasn’t so useful after that.

9) Web check-in!

I hate long queues, so i always web check-in. Some airlines don’t have that option, but if yours does YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY DO THAT, instead of waiting in the line for 2 hours and going to the airport 3 hours earlier.

-Thank you for reading, share your tips!! 🙂

One comment

  1. islesgilian · June 29, 2015

    The food. This has always been a reminder to me. Most of the time, I get hungry in the middle of the flight and I just don’t want to make the flight attendants angry by requesting snacks from time to time. Plus, not all their meals are satisfying. =) So, I make sure, I pack something to nibble in my bag. =)

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